300+ Epic, Funny AirPod Names - Laugh Out Loud to these Hilarious Airpod Names!
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Sep 03, 2024
The most epic, funny Airpod names are:
- Daddy Dods
- Seven Deadly pods
- Deaf Cods
- Don't talk to me
- Ear Angelz
- VoicesxNoises
- Air Air Poddies
- Hunterpod
- Noodle Pods?
- Conversation blockerz
Are you an Apple fanboy/fangirl who's looking for some cool or funny AirPod names? Do you love hoarding Apple products every now and then? 😛
Even if you are just a regular iPhone user, there's a high chance you already own a pair of Apple AirPods. You surely love to pamper your ears with awesome sounds, and of course you'd also be looking to name your expensive and precious purchase.

A bit of context if you're a newbie -- AirPods are possibly the best set of wireless headphones. They allow you to effortlessly talk and listen on your iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, Mac, without worrying about cables. You can even customize them to perform how you want them to. You can even rename AirPods.
So, before we get into listing several funny AirPod names for you (and mind you, there are many) let's see how to rename AirPods.
How to Rename AirPods?
Yes, you can rename AirPods. We'll guide you on how to rename AirPods. You can then refer to the list of Funny AirPods names and take one.
To Rename AirPods, they must be connected with your apple device. Follow the below steps and learn how to rename AirPods:
- Make sure the AirPods are paired and connected to the iPhone or iPad.
- Next, open the Settings.
- Tap on Bluetooth.
- Find the AirPods from the list.
- Tap on AirPods to Connect.
- Then tap on the (i) next to the connected AirPods.
- Click on Name.
- Now you can enter the name
- Hit Done after entering the number.
With this, we hope you now know how to rename AirPods.
Similarly, we can rename AirPods name on android mobile's Bluetooth settings. This won't affect the new name on an apple device. This change applies to the android device only.
On Mac:
We can rename AirPods on Mac devices as well. If you are a Mac user and want to know how to change AirPod name, scroll no more. Here's how to rename AirPods.
- Click on the apple logo from top mac menu
- Go to System Preferences
- Select Bluetooth
- Connect your AirPod to Mac if it's not connected
- Right-click on AirPods Pro name
- Click Rename and enter a new name
- Hit Rename.
AirPod Names
By now, you know how to change the name of your AirPods on almost all devices. Let's get into AirPods names then!
Here are some of the best funny AirPod Names ever:
- Better than your ex😘
- drake N josh
- Ruru Flexpods
- I don't DAIR Pods
- Hellen Lost Her Pods
- Brazing swagpods
- Red's Earbuds
- Lord of Pods
- Juul pods
- NannyPods
- wires woo
- ♡´・_・`♡
- ear safe tide pods
- silly pods of air
- momma's pods
- Pod Lolo
- Pod Runner
- wearPods
- RIPods
- Mitten Pods
- NoWire
- Swampods
- imma broke
- music pod fries attack
- Pip's children
- Rock N Pods
- No WireX
Airpod Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
You know how to change the name of AirPods, so go on and try these best funny AirPod names.
Funny AirPod Names
Are you looking for attractive and funny AirPod names?
Here are some ideas, you can rename AirPods to any of these funny names for airpods:
- AirTots
- HAiry Potterz
- Aspire wire
- Antiwire
- AppleAids
- Can't wire
- Coffee Means
- Daddy Dods
- Seven Deadly pods
- Deaf Cods
- Don't talk to me
- Ear Angelz
- EarTamperz
- Wax Collectorz
- MuskAids
- expensive noise
- Bel-AirPodz
- I don't want wires
- Didn't pay for these jeeze
- Quality control audio pods
- I lost my wirez
- Little Pumps
- modern aidz
- My Quips
- Ear Duds
- My Stampods
- My tiny Buds
- Nowirez
- papa smurf's dryer
- Rich boy prodz
- No voicex
- ShrekEarz
- stick in your earz
- tings for earz
- Wireless Poise
- Stone's sounds dragon pods
Do we need to remind you on how to rename AirPods? Go ahead and use these funny AirPod names then!
Cool AirPod Names
If you're still asking us, "How do you change the name of your AirPods?", might we remind you we covered it in this section already. Duh!
So, now that you're done going through funny AirPod names, check some cool AirPod names. We hope they look stylish and amusing as well:
- The EarGods
- YayME
- Mine Dine
- Woah Pods
- oreos N milk
- Wire Ban
- Woke Broke
- No Air
- Pwetty Wires
- No Wire Duo Pod
- BonnieXClydeAir
- Nacho Air Pods
- FPods
- Bust down podz
- My Hero Acapodiaa
- Daddy pods
- Bloke Bois
- VoicesxNoises
- David's Air
- Air Air Poddies
- Yum Pods
- GangnamPodz
- All About That Buds
- Obi Wan Keno-podz
- Cham-podz
- PhineasNPods
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Dragon PodsZ
- Snack Podz
- Boom BoxXs
- Crank the Vol
- Son Pods
- Mr Flex Podz
- Vinland Poddy
- Poke In
- FAirPods
- Coffee beans pod cakes
- StarePods
- Babel Fishex
- Social distancex
- A New Podz
- studs 💜
- Yee haw Buds
- X-Podz
- Little Beanie
- Jo Ni Sung
- PodGod
- not your airpodz son
- 2BUDz
- Alan Podwalkers
- AirThotz
- Britney SpEARz
- Maul Podz
Cute AirPod Names

- Rich kid flex
- sorry.watt
- Pod-timer
- expensive earz
- ARMYS AirPodz
- Mini speakerz
- Brain Talkerz
- Darth Podz Vader
- The Promised Podland
- Pod Spicezz
- Pistol Podzz
- Tiny Tooth Brushezz
- Drunken Tigerzz
- Lil bean
- Bean Podsz
- The Phantom Podz
- Where are my AirPodz
- Pod on my Bod
- Dollar Pods
- Sugar Pods pod nuts
- $ on my earz
- Plugged Out Sprout
- Pea Podz
Good AirPod Names
Here are Good AirPod Names for your brand new AirPods. Pick one and rename AirPods:
- Air Rodder
- I Dont Speak Wirez
- Can't Catch Mexx
- AirPods Inlayerz
- Don't u
- FinePods
- Air-Pod Racingg
- Big Pappaz
- Dance Mix EarphonePeace
- (Y/N's)Mini-LightsaberXO
- Any askersPD
- Max & Rubyxx
- Daddy podzz
- wires? what is thatDD
- SouljaPodsxd
- q-tipsxp
- King of Hallyu Wavexx
- Tiny Hairdryersx
- (Your Name)'s XL tictacx
- Heavenly Hikerz
- (name's) hearingg aids
- Park Ji Sungz
- NCT Tunezz
- Anime AirPodz Names
- Pod Pizzaz
- carepodzs
- harry podterr
- I'm Not Listeningg
- 11 Volumez
- The Rise of Podwalkerz
- (Your Name) Hearing Aidsz
- Peanut Podsz
- Dude, imagine having wiresz
- Psycho-Podsz
- flexin on yallz
- ( your name ) s showezrheads
- Come Feel The Noisez
- kArEn sToLe mY wIrEzs, yEe yEe
- Sound Extinguisherzs
- Air Joggerz
- Taste pods
- nOt Ur AirPodssz
- Social iSolationz Device
- The Seven Dzeadly Pods
- Vegan Podzs
- My Soundzs
- BTS Podsz
- (Your name) lil blow dryzers
- Little White Noisy Boysz
- The Pod Awakenzs
- I lost my wirez
- allergic to wirez
- Tattoine Podz
- hearingaidz
- Himney Rods
Clever AirPod Names
Are you looking for clever yet funny AirPod ? Here are some clever AirPod names just for you.
- Dexpods
- LibraryListenz
- The Neo Zonerz
- no broke
- wires?😦
- bbpods
- Hunterpod
- Noodle Pods?
- conversation blockerz
- Lil Blow Dryerz
- Don't Talk To Mee
- Jujutsu Kaipodz
- Shippuden Soundz
- Boom Boom Pod
- Yeet podz
- airbuddiz
- Pod Geazz
- Pod Crispie
- Airy Potterz
- Bebop AirPodz
- Galaxy Budz
- idontspeakbrokePod
- No no no
- Lando Podz
- fLeX Tool
- SpacePodz
- No NameLOL
- Baby Podz
- Mongo Podz
- ruddy airbuddies
- I run aloneXZO
- Black Clover Podz
- Pod Sabrez
- Pod n Chipz
- Wetterpodz
- fLeX dudz
- Bean Sproutz
- AssassinationPodz
- spear ears
- Honey_Podder
- cMy Q-Tipz
- creamy mommaz
- Bite the Apple AirPodz
- Listenerz
- Hobipodz
- No One Can HearME
- Parasyte podz
- Pete's Podz
- I Steal Musicx
- Pod Friez
- Attack of the Podz
- allergic to wirez
- Tattoine Podz
- hearingaidz
- Chimney Rods
Creative AirPod Names
Rename AirPods using these sweet and creative AirPod names:
- Amber's Earz
- Burger Podz
- C3POdz
- PeppaPodz
- Pepper Pods vibe
- Princess Poddy
- Wow Buds
- Air Budx
- Noragami Budz
- Yay BUds
- Pasta Podz
- Humpty pods
- TumPs
- Shot pods
- Gods Podz
- Food Podz
- Game N AirPods
- Vibe infuserz
- Ear Eating up
- carol baskinxp
- TXT Podz
- Guckkastenz
- Riri Pods
- ReaPods
- Tiny ear camz
- King Pods
- no stringz
- WinniePiglet
- SpongebobNPat
- Lala Wire
- Beanz
- Yodapodz
- BrocPodz
- Millie bean sprouts
- 5k Walking ClubXOXO
- Hyukohz
- Aura Podz
- jahpodz
- ChimmyPodder
- Duds Budz
- cLoUt pOdz
- Podbaccachew
- Seventeen Songz
- Peep Pods
- Tiny fryers
- listen lindaz
- Urotsukidopodz
- Have you seen my wirezz
- Pete's Podz
- I Steal Musicx
- Pod Friez
- Attack of the Podz
- allergic to wirez
- Tattoine Podz
- hearingaidz
- Chimney Rods
Anime AirPods Names

You can use these crazy anime names to rename AirPods. Give them a go:
- Aiko Iko
- Aimi Niko
- Aina San
- Aoi Senpai
- Ayako Zookie
- Dai Took
- Eri Mi
- Faye NU
- Kaede yen
- Kiko tek
- Kin niko
- Kumiko sao
- Maki bao
- Mami bosi
- Manami nosi
- Masuyo ripo
- Noriko ino
- Sachiko ren
- Umeko zen
- Yasu ken
- Astro nimo
- Haruo himo
- Isamu peno
- Jiraya kiro
- Kouki riro
- Makoto nio
- Michi siro
- Michiaki jiru
- Naruto chiru
- Noboru ruru
- Okasaki saka
- Ryoichi noha
- Ryuu siki
- Seiji yagami
- Shikamaru light
- Tanjiro keeba
- Toru ruro
- Yahiko hana
- Yuichi sana
1. Can I really rename my AirPods?
Yes! You can easily rename your AirPods on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or even Android devices. The blog provides step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
2. Why would I want to rename my AirPods?
Renaming your AirPods can help personalize them and make them easily recognizable if you have multiple Bluetooth devices paired. Plus, it's fun!
3. Are all the names provided in the blog compatible for renaming?
Most of the names provided should fit, but ensure that the name you choose is within the character limit of the Bluetooth device naming convention.
4. Can I use these names on other Bluetooth devices, not just AirPods?
Absolutely! While the list is tailored for AirPods, these names can be used for any Bluetooth device you wish to rename.
5. I renamed my AirPods on my Android device. Will it show the new name on my Apple devices too?
No, renaming your AirPods on your Android device will only apply to that device. If you want the same name across all devices, you need to rename them on each device individually.
6. I can't find the AirPods in my Bluetooth list. What do I do?
Ensure that your AirPods are paired and connected to your device. If you're still having trouble, try resetting your AirPods and then pairing them again.
7. Do I have to use a name from the list provided?
No! The list is there for inspiration. Feel free to get creative and come up with your own unique name for your AirPods.
8. I have a great suggestion for an AirPod name. Can I share it?
Certainly! The blog would love to hear your creative suggestions. You can leave a comment or reach out to the blog owner with your ideas.
9. Will renaming my AirPods affect their performance?
Not at all. Renaming your AirPods is just a cosmetic change for easy recognition. It doesn't alter their performance or functionality.
10. I followed the steps, but I can't rename my AirPods. What should I do?
Ensure you're following the steps correctly. If you're still having issues, it might be helpful to restart your device or consult Apple Support.
11. Is renaming AirPods free, or is there any cost associated?
Renaming your AirPods is completely free and can be done as many times as you like.
12. What's the character limit for renaming AirPods?
The character limit might vary slightly depending on the device, but it's typically around 32 characters.