500+ Half Elf Names: Discover the best, cool, funny, and half elf names
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Apr 11, 2023
Fantasy names are so much fun! Remember the world of Lord of the Rings? The fascinating hobbits, elves, trolls, dwarves & orcs - the perfect story meant for escapism and 4-hour-long television!
But, what’s incredibly fascinating is the fiction world of elves, the elven language & all the elvish names these novel authors in the fantasy worlds come up with. It is an entire world on its own!
Especially, the most creative is a half-elf. So, today, we made a list of half-elf names, so on your next Halloween or costume part or DND session, you can rock the best half-elf name there is!
Table of Contents
Who is a Half Elf?
Half elf names are often used by players who love fantasy games like Dungeons & Dragons. Half elves are functional and mythological off-springs of mortal humans in the mortal world and immortal elves. Physically, half elf creatures possess the muscular strength of humans and the aesthetic features of elves.
Like human beings, half elf creatures are ambitious; like elves, they have a keen sense of magic and are close to nature and natural elements. A half elf name is a name given to a creature that therefore identifies as a half elf.
The first half-elf ever was Earendil, as mentioned in JRR Tolkien's Book of Lost Tales. Unlike other half-human magical creatures, half-elves are more endearing and open to embracing human culture. Some hobbits are also considered to be half elves in fantasy culture and games.
Some examples of half elves in popular culture are Earendil, Dior Eluchil, Elured, Elrond, and Elwing. Find out some of the best half elf dnd names and half elf last names in this post.
What is a Half Elf Name?
Half elf names are given to those who identify as half elf and half-human. This fantasy species is a mix of two worlds.
Most half elf names are derived from words used in the elven language. Many names are also derivatives of the elven culture, kings, and other words. We've got you covered if you’re looking for the perfect half elf name. Find some of the best male and female half elf names, half elf last names, and DND half elf names here.
Tips for picking unique Half Elf names
You can reference you favourite fantasy books and novels to pick some good half elf names. But, given the fact that it’s generally difficult to come up with your own half elf name, it’s better to consult Google on this matter. In our list you’ll find all the good names there are!
If you’re unable to come up with a unique half elf name, we recommend using a half elf name generator to choose from a variety of male and female name options easily!
Famous Half Elf names
Here’s our list of some of the most famous half elf names -
- Legolas
- Faeril
- Armas
- Aldaron
- Greywolf
- Calihye
- Harjad
- Maseris
- Carthana
- Iselore
- Idriane
- Omin
- Kevben
- Dustwater
- Ettain
- Shams al-Ezai
- Daran Edermath
- Eardon
- Vanphanis
- Walhorn
- Sylovar
- Davynor
- Zankas
- Craril
- Sarparin
- Ilokas
- Marwaris
- Uankoris
- Aroovar
- Leoxian
- Jamparin
- Sylmorn
- Osphanis
- Bynnalore
- Wintheris
- Oritorin
- Arokas
- Elfaerd
- Yorben
- Walvoril
- Arolamir
- Vankoris
- Bartorin
- Sarfaelor
- Vicfinas
- Carlynn
- Marila
- Yesrila
- Pancoril
- Vicenas
- Aroril
- Gaeryeras
- Barlumin
- Zanneak
- Rafneak
- Dororin
- Lornan
- Sylstaer
- Jilkilia
- Xanreak
- Ilebwynn
- Alubellis
- Winyra
- Elzira
- Eltihne
- Saelaerys
- Wollahne
- Prizenya
- Lesfaen
- Jilnys
Elf Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
DND Half Elf names
Looking for DND half elf names? Here you go -
- Vicfinas
- Tyrfinas
- Krielor
- Prisys
- Sylcharis
- Xyrona
- Faeyaries
- Ianhomin
- Mayra
- Nilborin
- Quovalor
- Thersys
- Vylmae
- Krikoris
- Ilolannan
- Uanxian
- Darwalyn
- Davcorin
- Eirnan
- Prifaen
- Urifine
- Ventrana
- Quewalyn
- Syltrana
- Dargwynn
- Uanenas
- Tyrvoril
- Petben
- Uanfaelor
- Jamqinor
- Faldeyr
- Eirros
- Petnan
- Sylben
- Vanvoril
- Dorstaer
- Barreak
- Yenfaerd
- Rafneak
- Norstaer
- Xangretor
- Lorgotin
- Ulsariph
- Uandeyr
- Panovar
- Meiben
- Rafborin
- Belhomin
- Nilgotin
- Traxian
- Quoxiron
- Petxian
- Uanqarim
- Oritumil
- DavneakHoelor
- Delanys
- Xyrwalyn
- Ellynn
- Fhabwynn
- Urifine
- Safcharis
- Aluyaries
- Xilzira
- Sylrila
- Alhomin
- Raflanann
- Walelor
- Falhorn
- Cordithas
- Uanphanis
- Rafstaer
- Petavor
- Zansariph
- Wilphanis
- Nerihana
- Ylllynn
- Hoanys
- Elistine
- Neriqarin
- Quecerys
Cute Half Elf names
Need your very own cute half elf name? Here are our picks -
- Dorvalor
- Osparin
- Tylmalis
- Davben
- Byncharis
- Faenoa
- Osynor
- Zyltumil
- Belmorn
- Elborin
- Elbwynn
- Faerila
- Ulzaren
- Ulphanis
- Wallanann
- Holynn
- Uanzaphir
- Falavor
- Xavborin
- Wilminar
- Yesgwynn
- Jilcharis
- Sylnoa
- Gaervoril
- Dorminar
- Ilovalor
- Marorin
- Wildeyr
- Pririla
- Barminar
- Safona
- Therzira
- Alyfaen
- Copisys
- Zinelor
- Hotrana
- Ophitheris
- Noraerys
- Prixipha
- Maxipha
- Alydove
- Darmalis
- Relbellis
- Comae
- Venzenya
Unique Half Elf names - Male
Here are some of the best and most unique half elf names for males.
- Bargotin
- Falqinor
- Ianvoril
- Dororin
- Vicwarth
- Oritumil
- Frilmorn
- Ultorin
- Krilumin
- Gragotin
- Arofaerd
- Jamsariph
- Travalor
- Syllanann
- Halfaelor
- Krideyr
- Cratumil
- Leovalor
- Kristaer
- Lorynor
- Barfelor
- Corros
- Norborin
- Vicorin
- Craelor
- Yenhorn
- Petneiros
- Trafaerd
- Rafborin
- Quoorin
- Uanstaer
- Norzaphir
- Kevril
- Yortumil
- Alreak
- Corsariph
- Davlumin
- Rihomin
- Walneiros
- Graparin
- Alqarim
- Ulwarith
- Nildeyr
- Panvoril
- Kevkoris
- Frilgotin
- Belgretor
- Arotorin
- Ianqinor
- Panminar
- Zylfaerd
- Nilgretor
- Raflamir
- Elmorn
- Jamxiron
- Beldeyr
- Lorqarim
- Leoqarim
- Yensariph
- Xavlumin
- Krizaren
- Almorn
- Kricraes
- Aroborin
- Xavcraes
- Belgretor
- Raflumin
- Jamborin
- Petborin
- Jamynor
- Falneak
- Panlumin
- Traorin
- Ilotorin
- Aromorn
- Eirdeyr
- Frilfyr
- Wilxian
- Quosariph
- Corcoril
- Horril
- Grastaer
- Uanril
- Belgretor
- Vichorn
- Gaerword
- Vanlumin
- Davkas
- Corvoril
- Elxiron
- Yenqinor
- Gaerdithas
- Walphanis
- Petavor
- Rafcoril
- Horneiros
- Falovar
- Aroqinor
- Alreak
- Gaerwarith
Unique Female Half Elf names
Looking for half elf names suitable for females? Here are our top picks -
- Galthana
- Argalyn
- Lestrana
- Carfine
- Tylona
- Tylbelis
- Elzira
- Irodiane
- Irogalyn
- Yllxaris
- Delhophe
- Halygalyn
- Resgwynn
- Therkilia
- Fhadove
- Safelor
- Yllrora
- Darqarin
- Faestine
- Vylnys
- Reshana
- Halyxipha
- Mareelor
- Fhamalis
- Alusys
- Fhafen
- Noryra
- Therdove
- Marenys
- Delyaries
- Cotihne
- Qimythe
- Qisys
- Yesnoa
- Priphira
- Venzenya
- Jenenyphe
- Elicharis
- Lorarora
- Dellyn
- Xilbellis
- Vylqarin
- Xyrbwynn
- Urikaen
- Iletihne
- Kriqwyn
- Krizira
- Olqwyn
- Tylgwynn
- Bynbwynn
- Zinqarin
- Krinalore
- Restheris
- Jenmythe
- Brentihne
- Zelcharis
- Coyra
- Galpisys
- Gifseris
- Uribellis
- Janaerys
- Carhophe
- Zelstine
- Aluphira
- Priaerys
- Halyqarin
- Qienyphe
- Ophiviel
- Delqwyn
- Galyra
- Zeltihne
- Wolviel
- Resrora
- Halystine
- Vensys
- Deltheris
- Yesdiane
- Jendiane
- Lesyra
- Gifsys
- Olcharis
- Gifyaries
- Alyqarin
- Urinalore
- Alubwynn
- Safrora
- Uriseris
- Deltheris
- Neripisys
- Aluthana
- Faecerys
- Winhana
- Jilqwyn
- Halymae
- Qidove
- Vylmae
- Zelhana
- Phayetheris
- Yesnalore
- Carrora
Best Half Elf DND names
Looking for some of the best half elf dnd names? Here are our top picks.
- Ulenas
- Aroynor
- Zelwaris
- Brenlynn
- Petcraes
- Sylsys
- Meisariph
- Lorben
- Gradeyr
- Falwarith
- Mareseris
- Eirborin
- Barixiron
- Delqarin
- Ilesys
- Elzaphir
- Kysfaen
- Marexaris
- Alythana
- Rifaelor
- Kevparin
- Meielor
- Bynlahne
- Iloril
- Vyllynn
- Yllstine
- Kysaerys
- Eirqinor
- Traparin
- Traxian
- Kevparin
- Jilmythe
- Vylpisys
- Tragotin
- Irocharis
- Elitheris
- Lorynor
- Gifzira
- Legotin
- Qimythe
- Yeskilia
- Panneak
- Dorneak
- Syldithas
- Meiword
- Xavnan
- Gradeyr
- Vicvalor
- Tradithas
- Sylgretor
Half Elf name Generator
Find half elf names through a half elf name generator easily - within seconds! Now you needn’t worry if you have a fantasy game looming close. Simply use the half elf name generator to pick a name and get going!
Not able to get through a half elf name generator? Don’t worry. Here are some easy-to-remember half elf Dnd names generated by our half elf name generator -
- Xavvalor
- Hallumin
- Dorword
- Davdithas
- Nilvalor
- Walzaphir
- Oriwarith
- Oriyeras
- Cracraes
- Yorvoril
- Ulminar
- Halhorn
- Sylsariph
- Cralanann
- Phayewalyn
- Kriona
- Zinqarin
- Uriwaris
- Maphira
- Saelphira
- Urizira
- Ylllynn
- Jilvyre
- Relbellis
- Wilcraes
- Vanborin
- Petorin
- Walfaelor
- Wilkas
- Marelor
- Oshorn
- Lorril
- Zanxiron
- Orimorn
- Ophitrana
- Xyrnys
- Vencharis
- Kyselor
- Arxipha
- Saelcerys
- Qiseris
- Loradove
- Zelfine
- Alulahne
Half elf last names
Finally, here are some half elf last names -
- Johorn
- Naethana
- Neridithas
- Petnala
- Raloren
- Qinwraek
- Ralora
- Kerberos
- Faeyarus
- Qinsandoral