500+ Quirky, Unique, and Funny Among Us Names
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Apr 05, 2023
When lockdown hit, people were scrambling to find entertainment. One great way to connect with friends and have a fun time included getting into the Among Us universe. Among Us, A space-themed RPG, is an exciting survival game where crewmates must work together to complete tasks assigned to them before the impostor kills them. The best part? You need quirky, unique, funny, and weird Among Us names to get started!

Table of Contents
Need Funny Names for Among Us?
Becoming a crewmate or impostor on Among Us is a lot of fun. What’s more fun is having funny Among Us character names! Wondering what are the good names for Among Us? Here’s a list of exciting and popular Among Us names you can assign to yourself or give your friends while playing this video game!
Get ready to choose from this list of best Among Us names!
Among Us Characters Names
Here are some top Among Us names ideas for you to get started –
- TooCool4School
- ViperStrike
- FoxGlove
- CrewMadness
- ImpulseImpostor
- Supersonic
- Stardust
- BodySlam
- Smokescreen
- Sunspot
- Crash23
- Darkworlds
- MissileMan
- SouthPause
- GhostKing
- CrewKing
- ImpostorKing
- DiamondEyes
- PepperMint
- FocusFail
- ShapeShifter
- Guardian Angel
- Scientist
- Engineer
- StrawberryShortcake
- Janitor
- Cupcake
- EyeCandy
- Crewssant
- HulkHere
- HouseMouse
- WaitForMe
- SnowFlake
- UndertheC
- CrewKarma
- GnomeGang
- KillerAmongUs
- SmoothOperator
- Surefire
- MikeScott
- InvisibleBlank
- IdiotsAmongUs
- SpaceTraveller
- SmoothCriminal
- Mandarin
- SnoopySus
- DarkLord
- CrazyCrewM8
- ChronicalLiar
- DragonCrew
- AstroPotHead
- AstroLodger
- CrewQueen
- AstroKing
- AstroQueen
- HermioneAmongUs
- Broomstick212
- JacksonDays
- CoffeeQueen
- MouseinTheHouse
Among Us Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
Funny Among Us Names
All right, next up are some funny names for Among Us —after all, the game is worth many laughs! We’ve put together some hilarious Among Us names you will love choosing from. Watch us now! –
- Hide4ever
- Lil Sus
- Gewggle
- WohnJick
- DaFelon
- PlsNo
- ItsMe
- Sus
- InCider
- Impasta
- SawMeNow?
- DontKillMe
- ChandlerBing
- AntiVaxx
- NameTaken
- GranolaBar
- Sanitizer
- ExImpostor
- Scapegoat
- Harddik
- RedSus
- ScaRed
- TakeNol
- Rosita
- Tornado
- Coast2Coast
- Velvet
- PlayToWin
- YouCheater
- 2EZ
- Finn247
- exWhy
- SoDedToday
- WowSoSkill
- GhostingYou
- AlwaysInsider
- Fawty340
- Vigilante
- BuddhaV2
- MisSusNobody
- NexSus
- DedSh0T
- NuB LAd
- BoomBox
- NiceGuy
- Cuteasduck
- Glee
- LoyalFrend
- InstaAddict
- Sunshine
- Bunnyrabbit
- MeKitten
- WishfulThinking
- EvilEyeOnYou
- GlassBubble
- BoredInTheHouse
- LockedDown
- MalfoySucks
Good Among Us Names
Are you looking for good Among Us names? Here are our top picks–
- Z3AL
- GhoSt
- Murder
- KillSeeker
- NubLad
- S P A C E
- Crewmate666
- NumeroUno
- Bot444
- JoK
- Lo-key
- U_Sus
- AbortNow
- FBI100
- ThrillSeeker
- Shawty
- TrustMe
- Testing123
- Jobwrecker
- IAmVaxx
- WasntMe
- Budhabites
- WhereAmI
- BreadPitt
- Reddidit
- UndertheC
- SoManySus
- Enough4Me
- TheSheriff
- VentCleana
- WhyMe
- RuAmongUs
- DaFelon
- Eminen
- Spacemaid
- ImBatman
- AreYouRobin
- KindaSus
- BadGas
- WhoRU
- DoTaskWIn
- BobTheBuilder
- Letmebe
- IVoted
- ItsYou
- inVisible
- CrewCheeks
- NotMeHeheh
- ISawYou
Popular Among Us Names
Grab some amazingly popular Among Us names before your friends get to them–
- WinterIsComing
- Knuckles
- NotADoctor
- KindaSus
- WaitItsU
- PrettySus
- SillySus
- PlayerNone
- FakeUser
- LilSus
- BigSus
- BadVibes
- Venti4Life
- LovePasta
- RedFriend
- RedSanta
- NotGuilty
- RedVented
- Bob
- YouSuck
- NobodyHere
- TheDoc
- Sherlock111
- HeWhoMustNotBeNamed
- IWasNot
- ImPure
- MrRobot
- BlueVented
- NameTaken
- ThrowMeOut
- DontRun
- SabotAge
- YesImFunny
- KissedAGirl
- DogsAreAwesome
- YouAreEnemy
- SilentKiller
- HateImpostor
- Rocketman
- WashingMachine
- ImInJail
- YellowSus
- TheSkeldor
- OkBoomer
- Him
- DoingTasks
- DontLookAtMe
- ImSoFunny
- Saboteur
- KingRocks
- NotAThreat
- SabotageSus
- OrangeSus
- PandaRox
- SuperStar
- StarWalker
- MosquitoNet
- ChaoticRainbow
- RedBull
- ConeyIslander
Best Among Us Names
Are you looking for the best Among Us names? Here are some top Among Us names you can’t go wrong with–
- BillGates
- YourBuddy
- NotYourWife
- ImImpostor
- NotDead
- AlreadyDed
- AmongFools
- InnocentAlways
- FartBomb
- Anonymouse
- Janitor
- DontKillMe
- FakeCrew
- WhosYourDad
- VentNow
- KillMeNow
- YouCheater
- NotCyan
- SoDed
- ChosenOne
- Pumpkin212
- GlitterBabe
- Puppy
- Zapster
- DedAtSunset
- FatherLuke
- John Cena
- Limelight
- Dr. Watson
- ImTheGod
- Cheezus
- PlzKillMe
- AirBubble
- HeadHunter
- TheMafia
- ImBlue
- DogLover
- CatLady4Life
- WhereDidYouGo
- SpaceWalk
- HowYouDoin
- Global Risk
- HideNSeek
- Terminator
- Zeus
- Begone
- Zer0
- IDoTasks
- YesImFunny
- Moonwalker
Cute Among Us Names
Want cute Among Us names for the next time you play this rad game with your friends? Here are the top cute Among Us names to choose from–
- JoeExotic
- LockNLoad
- MurderWeapon
- SkyWalker
- DarthVader
- IAmYourFather
- CubbyHole
- Pony4Life
- LaughterClub
- ComedyQueen
- CuteSus
- OnTheFence
- MegaMind
- CrewM8
- Hacker4Life
- SluG
- 420
- BotArmy
- BabaYaga
- SloppyKill
- SomeNerd
- PlayToKill
- SuperSus
- ThotBot
- WhoDat
- Vote4Me
- FullCap
- Redster
- TigerKing
- YouAreDed
- Online247
- NotMe
- NotYourMama
- YoMama
- DeadDead
- Cutie4Life
- AlienBuddy
- BlueSus
- GreenSus
- FallGuy
- ILoveRain
- TrumpSux
- Informer
- FurReal
- SomeoneHere
- RedEnemy
- LindsayLohan
- DedAmongUs
- AnonAmongUs
- IceQueen
- MellowDrama
- BadKarma
- Boomer
- CatDog123
- GoldenSnitch
- CuteAsAButton
- FloppyEars
- LilMouse
- DroopyEyes
- DonkeyEeyore
Cool Among Us Names
Need a cool Among Us username to show off in front of your crewmates? Here are some cool Among Us names to pick from–
- PresidentOfUniverse
- ConMan
- NotVillain
- tooFunny
- WhosYourDad
- DeDUntilTmrw
- FrenzyMan
- Warlock
- RobotCrew
- KnifeRing
- IKillYou
- ImposterCatcher
- CrewCatcher
- WillHunting
- BellBoy
- Crewbie
- Crucifery
- Ouster
- GrownMan
- AstroBoy
- CrewBoy
- MuttonChops
- NarrowVictory
- CrewGonnaWin
- Wolfsbane
- Octopi
- Slyrack
- CatInHat
- CrewCut
- Crewsifix
- CrewCat
- Crewsible
- CrewkinCook
- AspiringImpostor
- ImposterToWin
- ChinaPlate
- ParasiteTown
- NarcCop
- DustBunny
- Valance
- Gigadude
- MoonMan
- AstroDude
- AstroGirl
- MoonGirl
- Sassflower
- CrewBoy
- CrewGirl
- BlueBot123
- PelicanTrap
Among Us Map Names
Players can access different maps in the Among Us universe—The Airship, MIRA HQ, Skeld, and Polus. The most used map is the Skeld. It is trendy among most players. As you navigate the game, you learn more about the different maps. Here are some Among Us map names to get you excited and started–
- EmotionalAmongUs
- AmongUsDreamGuy
- ILied
- NotYourChick
- SkeldPresident
- AirshipRider
- SpaceisMyPlace
- Space4Life
- Spaceman
- AstroLover
- MIRAisMine
- SawYouinMIRA
- CantHide4mMe
- Skelderverse
- FreshAirship
- Crewship
- CleartheAirship
- AirshipTight
- AirBattler
- Need4Speed
- MissionImposter
- CrewsControl
- TomCrews
- PolusBear
- TheNorthPolus
- PolusApart
- OppositePolus
- PolusPosition
- PolusPoint
- Skeld4Life
- HelterSkelder
- SkeldersInMyCloset
- Aironauts
- CrewMyPlace
- SkeldMyRide
- Airship4Life
- Polus4Life
- MyLifeonPolus
- AirshipsAmongUs
- ImpostorSyndrome
- Impostible
- RedShock
- ImpPlant
- CrewstyCrab
- Crewmlin
- Crewger4Life
- CrewKid
- CrewkedStick
- PopularCrewM8
- AmongUsChamp
- CrewlIntentions
- Crewster222
- CrabbyCrew
- CrewDude
- CrewGal
- AlcoholYouLater
- ButterflyKing
- FountainCrew
- AirCatcher
- AiringLaundry
Bonus Among Us Names
If the names above aren’t enough, here’s some bonus content for you! Take a look at these catchy and cool Among Us names–
- Gewgle
- KillTheImpostor
- DuckCrew
- DuckDuckCrew
- SpaceMonk
- KnuckleCracker
- ThisNameTaken
- Fedora
- YourVicePrez
- OprahFury
- YoungColin
- JackTheRipper
- CrewMySpace
- SpaceRocket
- SpaceBalls
- SpaceIsAwesome
- RocketsAhoy
- RockYourBaby
- MyCrewRocks
- Dementor
- JamesCrew
- NeedADrink
- TotallyCrewl
- CrewlKids
- CrewKingSwag
- DoggyCrew
- SpaceTravel
- SoMuchSpace
- CrowningGlory
- KingofSpace
- QueenOfSpace
- SpaceCrew
- CrankItUp
- CozyCrew
- WhatsAmongUs
- NothingAmongUs
- KillMeNow
- KillerCrew
- SpecialCrew
- Crew3456
- CrazyKarma
- Pinkilicious
- SherlockOnFire
- BunnyRocket
- CrossDresser
- UnoSkip
- RegentStreet
- Dinosaurus
- GodzillaKing
- MappedOut
Ready- Get - Set - Among Us!
These were amazing Among Us Names ideas for you. Are you ready to make the most of the next time you play Among Us with your crewmates? Don’t forget to pick from these funny names for Among us. Get your Among Us character name today!