Thank you Coronavirus Helpers - How to say thanks to Covid warriors

Since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world at large has been immensely dependent on the 'Covid warriors' or 'Coronavirus helpers'. With the amount of sacrifices these people have been making for the well-being of everyone, it is only right that we show our gratitude to these bravehearts. Here are some ways you can show your gratitude and say thank you coronavirus helpers.
Take precautions, stay safe and stay healthy
Teams of doctors everywhere are working extremely hard to ensure that patients recover from the virus. It is our duty to try and not add to their load. So, do your part in this by staying home if possible. If not, make sure you follow the prescribed guidelines, wear masks, maintain social distancing. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise to improve your immunity.
Say thank you to the coronavirus helpers over a (video) call
Since it's not safe to personally visit a frontline warrior and put them and yourself at risk, get on a call with them and tell them that you are grateful. It will take only a few minutes of your time and surely brighten up the day of your coronavirus helper.
Send a note and flowers saying thanks
Although this way seems to be simple, it is a very effective way of saying thank you coronavirus helpers. Write and send a personal note to the doctors at your local hospital. Make or order a bouquet. Send them a piece of art or even a child's drawing. Think of any creative yet simple ways you can say thanks, and do it.
Donate to a charity to say thank you coronavirus helpers
Unfortunately, due to the global economic crisis accompanying the pandemic, a lot of people were let go of from their jobs, or made to take a pay cut. The healthcare workers were also hit by this. If you can, make a donation to a charity or relief fund so that they can assist these frontline workers at the time of this crisis.
Show your appreciation through reviews, blogs, tweets
Be it through a Google review (Google themselves made a doodle about this!) or a tweet, express your appreciation. You can send a writeup to your local newpaper, or post a picture on Instagram. These are easy methods which will not take up any of your time and still go a long way in saying thanks to the coronavirus helpers.
Messages you can use to say "Thank you Coronavirus helpers"
I am grateful to the Coronavirus warriors for the days they went without rest so that my family could sleep in peace.
The front line workers' undying courage is the reason I can confidently say that we will get through this.
I promise to wear my mask so that Coronavirus warriors can take their masks off soon.
I will maintain social distancing so that front line workers' can soon go back to their families.
The dedication of front line workers' towards treating their patients in these tough times is everything.
No amount of thanks is enough. Thank you coronavirus warriors.
I am grateful to the Coronavirus warriors for the days they went without rest so that my family could sleep in peace.
The front line workers' undying courage is the reason I can confidently say that we will get through this.
I promise to wear my mask so that Coronavirus warriors can take their masks off soon.
I will maintain social distancing so that front line workers' can soon go back to their families.
The dedication of front line workers' towards treating their patients in these tough times is everything.
No amount of thanks is enough. Thank you coronavirus warriors.