How to Clear Discord Chat - Delete all messages in a channel at once
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Sep 03, 2024
Discord is great for keeping in touch with your friends and connecting with communities. Things on the app can at times go haywire, though. Members on some servers and channels can go wild and have conversations with no point. These are sometimes also offensive. In such a situation, if you moderate a channel, you might be wondering how to clear a Discord chat.
Clearing an entire Discord chat is an option that is widely requested. This is because, unlike some chat apps, Discord doesn’t let you select many messages at once and delete them. Nor do chats automatically disappear after a few days.
As yet, the platform's developers haven’t implemented an easy method to do the same. But, there are a few ways you can use to clear the Discord chat with an individual or on a server.
Storing so many messages is often not viable for apps. Yet, from the very start, Discord enabled this. They’ve written about how they store billions of messages in this blog. This feature has been a blessing to some. But, it may have also been a nightmare, especially if a server where you earlier shared personal details have taken a turn for the worse.
Although Discord doesn’t allow this easily as stated above, there are workarounds. If you are looking for an answer to how to clear Discord chat, check out the ways below. You can clear a Discord chat either manually or get a bot to do it for you, as shown below.
- Clear Discord chat by manually deleting the messages
- Use a Discord bot to clear the chat
- Clone a Discord channel to get rid of old messages
- FAQ: Can you clear a chat with an individual user/ friend?
Clear Discord chat by manually deleting the messages
This method may sound annoying, but it can be exactly what you need. It’s useful if you don’t want to delete every single message, but rather a few messages where you’ve given personal information. Note that you can delete messages from other users only on a server where you are the owner/ moderator. If not, you can only delete the messages that you send in the channel, and not messages from other Discord users.
To clear a Discord chat manually,
- Right-click on the message you want to delete and select ‘Delete Message’. Confirm this by pressing ‘Delete’ on the popup.
- To avoid the confirmation, hold the ‘Shift’ key and press the bin icon shown atop messages to delete them. The bin icon appears on all the messages you’ve sent. If you are the server owner, it will appear on all messages, regardless of who sent them.
- The server owner has an advantage that they do not need to scroll to find messages and can simply start deleting by pressing Shift and the bin icon. This can help save a lot of time.

You are not given such an advantage on a mobile device, though. You’d need to long press every single message and press ‘Delete’ and confirm it each time.
Use a Discord bot to clear the chat
Discord bots add truckloads of functionality to your server. We’ve earlier written about the MEE6 bot being one of the best bots to add. This is the bot we’re going to use today. You can also make use of other Discord bots from the bot store. Being a bot, the usage would be restricted to servers where the bot is present. Also, you can make use of the below method only if you are the server owner or have admin access.
To clear Discord chat in a server using the MEE6 bot,
- Go to the MEE6 bot website and click the ‘Add to Discord’ option. Authorize the bot and select the server you want to add the bot to.
- Complete the authorization of the bot to perform actions on your server in the next step.
- Now, go to the MEE6 Dashboard for your server. Toggle on the ‘Moderator’ option and enable the plugin by selecting ‘Yes’.
- Next, go to the server where you want to delete messages. To clear the chat, you can use any of the following commands as per your needs.

- Type ‘!clear 100’ to delete the 100 latest messages in the channel. Modify the number as required, with a maximum of 1000 at a time. Remember to use a space between the command and the number.
- In the text-box, type ‘/clear’ then the ‘Tab’ key and enter the number of messages. Press the ‘Tab’ key again twice to select a member you wish to delete the messages from. Now press ‘Enter’

Note that the above method only enables you to delete messages from the past two weeks. To delete the entire chat, you can clone the channel as given in the next solution.
Clone a Discord channel to get rid of old messages
Cloning a Discord channel is a good way to get rid of all the messages in your server or channel. This way, you can create a duplicate channel with the exact same settings and members, but clean up all the messages. Again, you need to be the moderator or server owner to do so.
To clone a channel and clear Discord chat,
- Right click on the channel name and select ‘Clone Channel’
- Type the name you wish to give this channel and press ‘Create Channel’
- Now, right click on the original channel and press ‘Delete Channel’ from the menu. Confirm this in the popup.
- You can now use the new channel as a fresh channel with the same settings, but without the earlier chat.

FAQ: Can you delete all messages with an individual user/ friend?
You can clear messages sent by you to the user by right clicking or holding Shift and pressing the delete icon. But, you can not delete the chat with a friend at one go. You can try clicking the ‘X’ when you hover over a user in your DM list, but this does not actually delete any of the messages. It just removes it from the list, you can reopen the DM with the friend as shown here.
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