How to find someone on Discord if you don’t know their tag?
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Sep 03, 2024
Discord is a great platform to connect with friends, family and all sorts of groups. The app can be your one stop solution for all social networking needs. Given its many features, it’s obvious that you’d want to connect with all the people you know who use the app. But, finding members isn’t that easy. So, how do you find someone on Discord?
If you’ve tried the Discord ‘Add friends’ feature, then you know that you can’t find members unless you know their tag. But, what do you do if you are not aware of the other user’s tag? Read on to find out.
- Why do I need the tag to find Discord users?
- How to find users with their Discord tag on computer and mobile devices?
- How to find someone on Discord without their tag?
- How to find users who aren’t nearby or in my contacts without knowing their tag?
Why do I need the tag to find Discord users?
Unlike any other social networking apps, Discord doesn’t require users to have unique usernames. But, to discriminate between users, the Discord tag is made use of. This is a 4 digit number entered at the end of your username, separated by a ‘#’. You can read more about it in our guide on Discord tags.
Although the Discord tag enables users to have usernames of choice, it makes it tougher to find someone on Discord. Whenever you want to add a friend, you need to enter their username as well as tag combo when searching for them. And given that Discord usernames are usually not the person’s actual name, but rather a cool alias, it gets even tougher.

Worry not, though, as there’s still a workaround you can use to find users on Discord. Find how in the next sections.
How to find users with their Discord tag on computer and mobile devices?
If you do happen to know the username as well as tag combo of the user you want to add, and just don’t know where to type this data, do the following:
On a computer
- Open Discord and click on the ‘Home’ Discord icon at the top left of your screen.
- Now, click on the green coloured ‘Add Friend’ button.
- In the ‘Send Friend Request’ text box shown, enter the username followed by ‘#’ and the tag of the user. For example, RemoteTools#6862. Note that the username is case sensitive.
- Then press the ‘Send Friend Request’ button. You will see that the text above the box says that the notification has been sent.

On a mobile device
- Open Discord and tap the three lines at the top left of the screen.
- Now, at the bottom tap on the icon showing a person waving out.
- At the top right, press the ‘Add Friends’ icon as shown, and search for the user with their username and tag.
- Press ‘Send Friend Request’.

How to find someone on Discord without their tag?
There are two ways to find members on discord if you don’t know their tag. However, both these methods can only be used on a mobile device. If you need to do it on your computer only, skip to the next solution.
How to find someone on Discord using the ‘Nearby Scan’ feature
As the name suggests, the person you wish to find should be nearby. Discord limits this to a distance of 30 metre or 100 feet only. Also, both you and the other person should be connected to a wifi/ mobile network, bluetooth and have the location turned on. Google’s Nearby is made use of here. To use this, do the following:
- Open Discord and tap the three lines at the top left of the screen and then on the person icon at the bottom.
- Tap the ‘Add Friends’ icon and go to the second tab, ‘Nearby Scan’.
- Now, you might see a popup notifying you that Discord needs certain permissions. Allow these and let the scan start.
- Discord will then show you a list of nearby users who you can send friend requests to.

Find Discord users who are in your phone contact list
- As mentioned above, press the three lines (hamburger button) and then go to the ‘Friends’ tab.
- Here, you should see a message at the top asking to sync your contacts. Press on this.
- Check the ‘Allow contacts to add me’ option if you wish and tap ‘Get Started’.
- Then, verify your phone number by entering the number and confirmation code.
- You will then be asked for permission to access your contact list. Grant this permission.
- Once the sync is complete, you will be able to see all your contacts who have also enabled the ‘Allow contacts to add me’ option. You can then select them and press ‘Add Friends’.

How to find users who aren’t nearby or in my contacts without knowing their tag?
If you want to find a user on Discord, but have neither their number or tag, you can do so by visiting this website. You’d need to have a rough idea about what their username is, though. Also, this is a bot website, and it collects data from servers it’s in. So, if the user you want to add isn’t in any server, you can’t find them.
To search for the user, type what you do know of their username and press ‘Search’. If you’re lucky, the user you’re looking for will be mentioned in the list that shows up. Now you can copy their username and send them a friend request via Discord.
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