Pig Names: 300+ Ideas for Your Huggable Hog
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Apr 03, 2023
Finding the perfect pig name for your piglet, boar, or sow could be challenging. You might desire a pet name that captures their flamboyant pot belly or gorgeous grunts. Whatever you imagine to best describe your cute pig, we provide inspiring ideas to bring them to life.
We showcase the best names for your pet pigs, enormous prize pig, or any other lovely porcine pal you might have. Let's start with some awesome tips for creating the perfect moniker for your pet pigs.
Are you urgently seeking a new name for your little pink pig? Here's a short list of awesome ideas:
- Oats
- Snout
- Gizmo
- Ammo
- Cuddle
- Toodle
- Homer
- Rex
- Otis
- Odin
Table of Contents
Tips for Creating the Perfect Pet Pig Name

Adding a pet pig to your family brings all-around joy. You can scribble awesome pet moments to heart with the perfect pig names. Here are some tips for creating one:
Consider Appearance
What does your new pal look like? Her body size or skin may be the deal breaker to crafting a great name. If she's red-faced, you might call her Scarlet. Smooth around the edges, then Chubbs should do the trick.
Check Behavior
Pigs are lovely, intelligent creatures, and their attitude says it all. If your piggy is cuddly, GumDrop is a good option. Just observe your squealer's secret life, and the perfect idea will come.
Consider Diet
You may think pigs consume any food available. They have their special treat, and their names easily stick to it. Yep, calling your hearty hog her favorite delicacy is a good naming idea. Also, it ensures they remember it quickly and love you more.
Some popular diet-based names for pigs are Buttercup, Apricot, and Carrots.
Male Pig Names

You can call your bubbly boars sweet names that fit their personality. They may have a warrior spirit, sticking with you through thick and thin. Here are some cool names for your male pigs:
- Rocky Boa
- Big Phil
- Cool Bart
- Chief Otis
- Major
- Frankie
- Rexxie
- Dexter
- Clyde
- Cully
- Franklin
- Jack
- Harold
- Mugsy
- Albert
- Larry
- Hank
- Goliath
- Hugo
- Winston
- Eddie
- Admiral
- Marshall
- Newton
- Chubbs
- Clyde
- Lion King
- Buddy
- Peppa Pig
- Alpha Pig
- Sir Oinksalot
- Desmond
- Elvis Pigsley
- Malone
- Dixon
- Bob
- Felix
- Jakob
- Simon
- Kerry
- Osmond
- Nicky
- Chewbacon
- Squiggle
- Duke of Pork
- Snowball
- Napoleon
- Old Major
- Freddy
- Buttons
- Chipper
- Balrog
- Doug
- Acorn
Pig Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
Female Pig Names

A girl piggy is an adorable pet that can make your home more lovely. There are many names to call, but we handpicked the best ones for you. Check out some cute pig names for your beautiful sows or gilts:
- Miss Piggy
- Loyola
- Isabell
- Bonnie
- Lovett
- Blossom
- Rose
- Erica
- Beatrix Trotter
- Dolly
- Shiva
- Diva
- Lilly
- Sadie
- Violet
- Iris
- Marigold
- Aster
- Poppy
- Daisy
- Pearl
- Maggie
- Emma
- Lady
- Looney Tunes
- Tinker Bell
- Cinderella
- Honey
- May
- Harper
- Blush
- Damsel
- Gwen
- Bubble Gum
- Cassady
- Sweet
- Plum
- Flower
- Coral
- Duchess
- Princess
- Sparkle
- Cupcake
- Lulu
- Mabel
- Josie
- Madeline
- Petunia Pig
- Zoe
- Dani
- Delilah
- Athena
- Ajna
- Gertrude
- Evie
- Ballerina
- Hazel
- Gilly
- Ginger
- Hermonie
Funny Pig Names

Funny pig names capture the pure joy these mushy, pink little balls bring you. It's all giggles when they waddle around you. Now and then, they could break into speed in a flush of happiness.
So, we snorted out the funny pig names for your animal farm friends. These include:
- Toy Story
- Kevin Bacon
- Chop Chop
- Hogwart
- Boomerang
- Sam The Ham
- Sizzle
- Apples
- George Orwell
- Peter Porkchop
- Henny
- Mr. Piggins
- Oinker
- South Park
- Jerry
- Big Dan
- Winnie Pool
- Sam the Ham
- Peppermint Pig
- Porky Pig
- Hamsome
- Mudpie
- Pancake
- Crunchy
- Crispy
- Cheese Balls
- Porkenstien
- Squealer
- Harry Porker
- Hickory
- Porkizo
- Hamton
- Sooey
- Pork ribs
- Frankfurter
- Frenchy
- Ben 'N Jerry
- Animal Ham
- Round Belly Nelly
- Amy Swinehouse
- Butternut
- Patches
- Fluffy
- Porkahontas
- Pua
- Harry Trotter
- Peter Porker
- Tattoo
- Hamster
- Humphrey
- Little Piglet
- Mummy Pig
- Gub Gub
- Plopper
- Silly Can
Cute Pig Names

Who says your pot bellied pig can't have a cute pig name? There are adorable names perfect for adult pigs down to piglets and their "brothers in ham." Pick a cute name from the list below:
- Ripples
- Pebbles
- Sunshine
- Moonlight
- Saturn
- Dorothy
- Lucy
- Lucky
- Shrubs
- Shrimp
- Crackers
- Rider
- Minion
- Onion
- Oreo
- Diver
- Pinto
- Runt
- Huggies
- Domino
- Muffin
- Lovebug
- Squiggle
- Winkles
- Tickles
- Popcorn
- Micro
- Mickey
- Nano
- Shiny
- Tiny
- Smarty
- Oldie
- Nugget
- Kiddo
- Scout
- Bamboo
- Clumsy
- Chica
- Elmo
- Cyrano
- Cutey Honey
- Gonzo
- Kiki
- Kiwi
- Roundball
- Mai Tai
- Oluto
- Sailor
- Cocoa
- Fudgie
- Butterscotch
- Tootsie
- Truffle
- Checkers
- Periwinkle
- Chopper
Famous Pig Names

Want some famous pigs? Then get inspiration from animated tv series and movies like Secret Life of Pets and The Simpsons Movie. This would make your pigs look like superstars among your friends and family. Here's a list:
- Rosita
- Babe
- Old Major
- Hen Wen
- Black Cauldron
- Charlotte's Web
- Green Acres
- Doctor Dolittle
- Boaris Johnson
- Pumba
- Spider Pig
- Arnold
- Piglet
- ManBearPig
- Looney
- Toto
- Zeus
- Balto
- Lassie
- Benji
- Old Yeller
- Buddy
- Max
- Cheddar
- Harley
- Duke
- Harper
- Dre
- Denver
- Mr. Porky
- Sir Oinksalot
- Hamm
- Pepperoni
- Pork Roll
- Enchilada
- Taylor Ham
- Carnitas
- Boris Johnson
- Pig Daddy
- Gamora
- Gammon
- Waddles
- Madame Oink
- Boarest
- Anquer
Best Pig Names

Giving your pigs the best names is a good treat. It's a positive reinforcement of your love for them. Check these great pet names for mother pigs and other lovely Hogs:
- Mervis
- Abraham
- Piper
- Esther
- Charles
- Mitzi
- Great White
- Foodie
- Fruitie
- Coleslaw
- Spinach
- Penny
- Piggly Wiggly
- Sammy
- Richie
- Dixie
- Charlotte
- Bella
- Eve
- Amelia
- Olivia
- Quincy
- Ava
- Luna
- Apollo
- Pygmalion
- Jimmy Dean
- Ham Bee
- Jeff Porkman
- Ham Synder
- Lil Piggzy
- Merle Hoggard
- Linda Ham
- Jimmy Hamdrix
- Hamzalea
- Hamzdat
- Ham Cock
- Albert Sweinstein
- Cutter
- Ham Jay
- Isaac Hamton
- Tommy Hamfiger
Awesome Facts About Pet Pigs

Want to know some fun facts about your adorable piglet, white pig, or real pot-bellied pig? While you're making a list of pet pig names, here are some fun facts about them:
- Pigs don't sweat
- Pigs are ranked as the fifth smartest animals
- Mother pigs sing to their piglets
- Pigs enjoy belly rubs
Great job sticking with us to this point. You may still have some questions about pig names. So, we handpicked three frequently asked questions about pig names.
What is a good name for a pig?
A good pig name is great for your pig pets. Some examples are Miss Piggy, Elvis Pigsley, and Amy Swinehouse.
What's a good name for a female pig?
A good female pig's name is Daisy. Others include Nora, Blush, and Damsel.
What is a famous pig name?
A famous pig name is Napoleon. Others are Old Major, Snowball, and Otis.