Chrome components: All you need to know about the Chrome components page
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Sep 03, 2024
What do you do when there is a glitch in Google Chrome? Chrome rarely displays websites in a weird manner and usually plays content smoothly. It doesn't disappoint most times, but sometimes working with older versions or downloading new extensions tends to mess up the smooth work. The Chrome Components page comes to your rescue then.
- Chrome Components - what are they?
- Accessing the Chrome Components page
- Prominent uses of Chrome components
- Netflix Error M7701-1003 - Netflix not working
- Widevine Content Decryption Module Update Error
- Google Chrome not updating properly
- Problems with Flash
1. Chrome Components - what are they?
The blocks that come together to build your browser and work in the background are called Chrome Components.
Through this page, you can see an overview of individual components, version numbers, and also update these components separately. This way you can only update the one needing the update immediately instead of waiting for the next Chrome update.
2. Accessing the Chrome Components page
You can access the Components page by simply typing chrome://components/ into your Chrome omnibar. You then arrive at the Chrome components page which looks something like the following.

As you can see, each component has an option to check for updates.
3. Prominent uses of Chrome components
1. Netflix Error M7701-1003 - Netflix not working due to Chrome components
Netflix makes use of DRM (Digital Rights Management) to avoid violation of copyright in the content that you stream. The browser component at your end is supposed to unlock the DRM and give access rights. When logged in without a VPN, if you get the 'error M7701-1003' message from Netflix, it could mean that the Widevine Content Decryption Module either needs to be updated or isn't present.
Chrome 57 and later all have Widevine. You can check your Chrome version in the about page under the help section (Chrome menu -> Help -> About Google Chrome).
Updates can be checked for any component by clicking the 'Check for Update' option shown next to the name of the component. In this case, chrome://components/ -> Widevine Content Decryption Module -> Check for update. If it shows 'Status - Component not updated' then refresh the page and check for 'Status – Up-to-date.'

Streaming platforms have their own requirements and it is a good thing to check that both Flash and Widevine are updated in case of any problems with streaming.
2. Widevine Content Decryption Module Update Error - Chrome Component error
You can face a similar error as Netflix with other popular streaming service players like BBC iPlayer, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu. The underlying problem is the same - Widevine Content Decryption Module either needs to be updated or isn't present.
To solve this issue, you can follow the same directions listed above, chrome://components/ -> Widevine Content Decryption Module -> Check for update. Then refresh the page and check for 'Status – Up-to-date.' We have also listed some other ways to solve this in this blog. If the Widevine Content Decryption Module isn't already present in your system, you'll have to either update Chrome or delete and reinstall Chrome.

3. Google Chrome not updating properly - Chrome Component error
When facing trouble with updating Chrome, the Recovery component can help with smooth installation and repair problems. Reinstalling the browser could be quicker, but this option can sometimes come handy.
chrome://components/ -> Chrome Improved Recovery -> Check for update.

4. Problems with Flash - Chrome Component error
Instead of trying out wild methods to solve problems with Flash, simply go to: chrome://components/ -> Adobe Flash Player -> Check for update.
4. Chrome Components you should know
Below is a list of important Chrome Components with their functionality. A few of these are for developer use, and need to be activated before use.
MEI Preload
MEI - Media Engagement Index . The media component that helps preload media in your Chrome browser. Lack of this or an old version can hinder your media viewing experience.

Intervention Policy Database
The Intervention Policy Database component pushes Chrome's intervention policies to your device and avoids glitches/ crashing.
Software Reporter Tool
Chrome uses the Software Reporter tool to track and report software problems and unexpected advertisements that slow Chrome down or cause harm.

pnacl - Portable Native Client component is meant for use by developers, to run and test untrusted code in a Chrome sandbox without putting the browser or computer at risk.
Chrome Improved Recovery
Chrome Improved Recovery is used for tracking and handling issues with updating them.
File Type Policies
Chrome's file handling policies, i.e., how Chrome treats different file types is decided by this component.
Certificate Error Assistant
The Certificate Error Assistant component helps you generate signed SSL certificates in case of errors due to mismatchingis. It is dynamically updated with the Captive Portal Certificate list.

Origin Trials
Origin Trials is also meant to allow developers to experiment with web platform features without causing damage to Chrome.
Adobe Flash Player
This is the Component that deals with Flash content. It will go the way of all Flash when support is deprecated in 2020, but until then, check here if Flash isn’t acting right.
Subresource Filter Rules
Google identifies malicious content and harmful links with the help of the Subresource Filter Rules component. Dangerous ads that do not follow the Better Ads standards are also filtered out. This component is important for your security and it's good that you keep a tab on it.

Widevine Content Decryption Module
As stated above, Widevine Content Decryption Component decrypts DRM protections on Netflix, Spotify, and other DRM-protected sources' media.
CRL - Certificate Revocation List maintains a list of websites with bad certificates to protect users from harmful websites.
Signed Tree Heads
This Component helps to keep Chrome secure by tracking sites with SSL certificates, making it more difficult to spoof them.
Legacy TLS Deprecation Configuration
The Legacy TLS Deprecation Configuration is used for dealing with the TLS - Transport Layer Security protocol so that you only connect with secure websites. Older (1.0 and 1.1) versions of TLS protocols are getting deprecated by Google and other major browsers, to make way for the 1.3 version. This component still supports this protocol while giving warning saying that a site is not secure.
Crowd Deny
Chrome blocks permissions such as notifications, cookies storage, sound, etc. depending on the site’s reputation data. If this reputation is bad, the Crowd Deny component is made use of to revoke all permissions. It happens on HTTPS websites only, as of now.
Safety Tips
Precautions such as alerts to go back from a phishing website, etc. are given by this component. The basic use of the Safety Tips component is that you remain safe on the internet when using Chrome, so even cases like spoofed domains are reported by this.

This component is responsible for giving you better suggestions when making use of the Omnibox search feature in Google Chrome. It is still being worked on and is at a nascent stage.
Meant only for Chrome OS users, the cros-termina lets you interact with Linux’s Terminal by making use of Chrome OS’ native command line.
5. Issues with updating Chrome components
On the Chrome Components page, when you check for updates, if you get the message saying 'Status - Component not updated', you will have to sign in as an Administrator. Any person with an Admin account can help you in these updates.
6. What happens after updating Chrome Components
After updating all the Components, Chrome should mostly run smoothly. Given these components are built in, there is no real harm as you would have had say when updating or installing extensions for Chrome. Of course, it may be more efficient to just update the browser itself.
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