Animal Group Names: Funny, Weird, Cool Names to Choose From
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Jul 15, 2024
Animal group names, also known as collective nouns, are unique and often quirky terms used to describe groups of animals. They range from the common and straightforward, like a "pack of wolves," to the unusual and amusing, like a "parliament of owls." Understanding these names can add a layer of fun and interest to our conversations about animals. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a student, or simply someone who loves learning new things, knowing these names can be both educational and entertaining. Let's dive into the fascinating world of animal group names, exploring the funny, weird, and cool names you can choose from for various animal groups.
Table of Contents
Animal Group Names
Pride of Lions
Flock of Birds
School of Fish
Pack of Wolves
Herd of Elephants
Troop of Monkeys
Gaggle of Geese
Swarm of Bees
Pod of Dolphins
Murder of Crows
Parliament of Owls
Convocation of Eagles
Colony of Ants
Band of Gorillas
Sleuth of Bears
Mob of Kangaroos
Crash of Rhinos
Clan of Hyenas
Pod of Whales
String of Ponies
Shoal of Fish
Raft of Ducks
Nest of Vipers
Brood of Chickens
Team of Horses
Drove of Pigs
Leap of Leopards
Sounder of Swine
Bloat of Hippos
Army of Frogs
Skulk of Foxes
Pack of Dogs
Pod of Seals
Litter of Pups
Business of Ferrets
Bask of Crocodiles
Troop of Baboons
Flock of Sheep
Flight of Butterflies
Lamentation of Swans
Bevy of Quails
Cast of Falcons
Exaltation of Larks
Muster of Peacocks
Covey of Partridges
Pride of Peacocks
Company of Parrots
Bouquet of Pheasants
Unkindness of Ravens
Clowder of Cats
Drove of Cattle
Knot of Toads
Siege of Herons
Scurry of Squirrels
Parliament of Owls
Bale of Turtles
Raft of Otters
Cauldron of Bats
Drift of Pigs
Paddling of Ducks
Flock of Pigeons
Colony of Penguins
Pack of Coyotes
Troop of Lemurs
Congress of Baboons
Team of Oxen
Band of Coyotes
Clutter of Cats
Pod of Manatees
Kettle of Hawks
Lounge of Lizards
Smack of Jellyfish
Shoal of Mackerel
Cluster of Spiders
Ambush of Tigers
Plague of Locusts
Drove of Reindeer
School of Dolphins
Dray of Squirrels
Sounder of Boars
Cluster of Bees
Colony of Seals
Pack of Wolves
Herd of Deer
Rafter of Turkeys
Team of Ducks
Bunch of Grapes
Knot of Snakes
Pod of Orcas
Troop of Gorillas
Troop of Kangaroos
Pod of Porpoises
Herd of Buffalo
Herd of Caribou
Raft of Puffins
Pod of Walruses
Clutter of Kittens
Business of Flies
Covey of Grouse
Crash of Hippopotamuses
Animal group names, also known as collective nouns, are unique and often quirky terms used to describe groups of animals. These names range from the common and straightforward, like a "pack of wolves," to the unusual and amusing, like a "parliament of owls." Knowing these names can be both educational and entertaining, adding a layer of fun and interest to our conversations about animals.
Funny Animal Group Names
Giggle of Hyenas
Guffaw of Chimpanzees
Chuckle of Chickens
Comedy of Dolphins
Jest of Jaguars
Banter of Baboons
Laughter of Lemurs
Jokers of Jackals
Clowning of Clownfish
Prank of Penguins
Shenanigans of Squirrels
Antics of Apes
Hijinks of Hares
Tomfoolery of Toucans
Frolic of Frogs
Buffoonery of Buffalos
Mischief of Mice
Ridicule of Ravens
Silliness of Seals
Foolery of Foxes
Fun of Ferrets
Amusement of Antelopes
Playfulness of Puppies
Gag of Geese
Joke of Jellyfish
Jest of Jackrabbits
Quirk of Quails
Prank of Parrots
Glee of Goats
Punning of Pigeons
Witty of Weasels
Merriment of Manatees
Humor of Hummingbirds
Levity of Leopards
Whimsy of Whales
Laughingstock of Llamas
Caricature of Cats
Satire of Swans
Farce of Flamingos
Chuckling of Cheetahs
Wit of Warblers
Humor of Hawks
Glee of Giraffes
Laugh of Lions
Play of Platypuses
Funnybone of Ferrets
Jest of Jays
Capers of Chimpanzees
Gaggle of Geese
Humor of Hares
Comical of Coyotes
Jest of Jaguars
Banter of Bats
Wit of Weasels
Laugh of Lynxes
Humor of Hawks
Comedy of Caribous
Jape of Jellyfish
Merriment of Meerkats
Quirk of Quokkas
Tomfoolery of Turtles
Gaggle of Guineafowl
Jest of Jackals
Humor of Hummingbirds
Whimsy of Wolves
Satire of Seals
Jest of Jaguars
Buffoonery of Bears
Antics of Antelopes
Farce of Flamingos
Play of Peacocks
Humor of Hedgehogs
Quip of Quokkas
Laugh of Lemurs
Wit of Wrens
Jest of Jays
Humor of Hyenas
Whimsy of Whippets
Chuckle of Cheetahs
Jest of Jaguars
Quirk of Quails
Laughter of Lions
Banter of Bears
Humor of Hawks
Jest of Jackals
Quip of Quails
Wit of Weasels
Play of Penguins
Jest of Jackrabbits
Merriment of Moles
Laughter of Lemurs
Chuckle of Cheetahs
Fun of Ferrets
Jest of Jays
Whimsy of Whales
Humor of Hawks
Gaggle of Geese
Jest of Jaguars
Satire of Seals
Laughter of Lions
Animal group names can be quite funny and entertaining. They often capture the playful and humorous nature of the animals they describe. From a "giggle of hyenas" to a "jest of jaguars," these names are sure to bring a smile to your face.
Weird Animal Group Names
Intrigue of Sloths
Bloat of Hippopotamuses
Parliament of Owls
Murder of Crows
Skulk of Foxes
Cauldron of Bats
Mob of Kangaroos
Crash of Rhinos
Convocation of Eagles
Exaltation of Larks
Knot of Toads
Unkindness of Ravens
Clowder of Cats
Bale of Turtles
Raft of Otters
Leap of Leopards
Shoal of Fish
Lounge of Lizards
Business of Ferrets
Bask of Crocodiles
Tower of Giraffes
Clutter of Kittens
Dray of Squirrels
Prickle of Porcupines
Parliament of Rooks
Drove of Hogs
Muster of Peacocks
Ostentation of Peacocks
Pod of Whales
Troop of Kangaroos
Flock of Sheep
Bevy of Quails
Convocation of Eagles
Murder of Crows
Clowder of Cats
Cast of Falcons
Unkindness of Ravens
Sleuth of Bears
Skulk of Foxes
Team of Horses
Colony of Ants
Flight of Butterflies
Nest of Vipers
Raft of Ducks
Plague of Locusts
Brood of Chickens
Bevy of Quails
Siege of Herons
Drove of Pigs
Lamentation of Swans
Band of Gorillas
Company of Parrots
Bouquet of Pheasants
Litter of Pups
Crash of Rhinos
Mob of Emus
Parade of Elephants
Clan of Hyenas
Cackle of Hyenas
Cluster of Spiders
Rafter of Turkeys
Pandemonium of Parrots
Drove of Pigs
Siege of Herons
Array of Hedgehogs
Pack of Wolves
Nest of Vipers
Knot of Toads
Dray of Squirrels
Cluster of Spiders
Congregation of Alligators
Troop of Baboons
Troop of Lemurs
Army of Frogs
Raft of Ducks
Bale of Turtles
Pack of Dogs
Lounge of Lizards
Shoal of Fish
Paddling of Ducks
String of Ponies
Cauldron of Bats
Sounder of Boars
Leap of Leopards
Clowder of Cats
Scurry of Squirrels
Convocation of Eagles
Flock of Birds
Clowder of Cats
Brood of Chickens
Bevy of Quails
Siege of Herons
Muster of Peacocks
Drove of Pigs
Sounder of Swine
Gaggle of Geese
Unkindness of Ravens
Troop of Monkeys
Colony of Ants
Convocation of Eagles
herd deer
movement monkeys troop
turtle doves
labor monkeys
herd wolves
collective nouns
trip doves
parade elk
herd dogs
fall woodpeckers
destruction cattle
colony bees
cauldron bears
conspiracy leopards
coalition chickens
army sharks
leap lions
knot turtles
stand geese
earth giraffes
tower goats
business foxes
descent reptiles
gang ferrets
oxen team
charm fish
animal group
watch owls
spring turkeys
army clams
building quail
trip gorillas
parliament parrots
obstinacy cats
scurry tigers
gaze rats
streak whales
barren otters
wisp sparrows
bed crabs
bask frogs
bed snails
collective noun
smack lobsters
intrusion flies
charm flamingos
host starlings
cloud hornets
company partridges
consortium cockroaches
mustering swans
quiver crocodiles
cover cormorants
siege jays
gam wolves
richness moles
horde dotterel
covey ravens
late season
badling eagles
Weird animal group names often reflect the peculiarities and unique behaviors of the animals they describe. From a "bloat of hippopotamuses" to a "murder of crows," these names add a touch of mystery and oddity to our understanding of the animal kingdom.
Cool Animal Group Names
Squad of Squids
Posse of Porcupines
Crew of Chameleons
Pack of Wolves
Pod of Dolphins
Pride of Lions
Coalition of Cheetahs
Sleuth of Bears
Clan of Hyenas
Band of Gorillas
School of Fish
Flock of Birds
Gaggle of Geese
Swarm of Bees
Troop of Monkeys
Herd of Elephants
Mob of Kangaroos
Raft of Ducks
String of Ponies
Murder of Crows
Parliament of Owls
Convocation of Eagles
Colony of Ants
Business of Ferrets
Pack of Dogs
Team of Horses
Crash of Rhinos
Tower of Giraffes
Skulk of Foxes
Sounder of Boars
Pod of Whales
Pod of Seals
Clowder of Cats
Shoal of Fish
Brood of Chickens
Pride of Peacocks
Litter of Pups
Bale of Turtles
Cauldron of Bats
Drift of Pigs
Army of Frogs
Bevy of Quails
Cast of Falcons
Exaltation of Larks
Muster of Peacocks
Covey of Partridges
Bouquet of Pheasants
Unkindness of Ravens
Nest of Vipers
Parliament of Owls
Bevy of Swans
Convocation of Eagles
Pack of Coyotes
Cluster of Spiders
Lounge of Lizards
Skulk of Foxes
Troop of Lemurs
Sleuth of Bears
Ambush of Tigers
Flock of Sheep
Team of Oxen
Pod of Manatees
Kettle of Hawks
Lounge of Lizards
Smack of Jellyfish
Shoal of Mackerel
Cluster of Spiders
Ambush of Tigers
Plague of Locusts
Drove of Reindeer
School of Dolphins
Dray of Squirrels
Sounder of Boars
Cluster of Bees
Colony of Seals
Herd of Deer
Troop of Kangaroos
Pod of Porpoises
Herd of Buffalo
Herd of Caribou
Raft of Puffins
Pod of Walruses
Clutter of Kittens
Business of Flies
Covey of Grouse
Crash of Hippopotamuses
Bloat of Hippos
Company of Parrots
Ambush of Tigers
Lounge of Lizards
Bask of Crocodiles
Pack of Wolves
Colony of Penguins
Troop of Lemurs
Congress of Baboons
Troop of Gorillas
Pack of Wolves
Colony of Ants
Raft of Otters
Parliament of Rooks
Cool animal group names often evoke a sense of admiration and awe. From a "squad of squids" to a "sleuth of bears," these names highlight the fascinating and sometimes intimidating aspects of the animal kingdom.
Interesting Animal Group Names
Flock of Birds
Pack of Wolves
School of Fish
Pride of Lions
Troop of Monkeys
Herd of Elephants
Swarm of Bees
Pod of Dolphins
Murder of Crows
Parliament of Owls
Convocation of Eagles
Colony of Ants
Band of Gorillas
Sleuth of Bears
Mob of Kangaroos
Crash of Rhinos
Clan of Hyenas
Pod of Whales
String of Ponies
Shoal of Fish
Raft of Ducks
Nest of Vipers
Brood of Chickens
Team of Horses
Drove of Pigs
Leap of Leopards
Sounder of Swine
Bloat of Hippos
Army of Frogs
Skulk of Foxes
Pack of Dogs
Pod of Seals
Litter of Pups
Business of Ferrets
Bask of Crocodiles
Troop of Baboons
Flight of Butterflies
Lamentation of Swans
Bevy of Quails
Cast of Falcons
Exaltation of Larks
Muster of Peacocks
Covey of Partridges
Company of Parrots
Bouquet of Pheasants
Unkindness of Ravens
Clowder of Cats
Drove of Cattle
Knot of Toads
Siege of Herons
Scurry of Squirrels
Bale of Turtles
Cauldron of Bats
Drift of Pigs
Paddling of Ducks
Flock of Pigeons
Colony of Penguins
Pack of Coyotes
Troop of Lemurs
Congress of Baboons
Team of Oxen
Band of Coyotes
Clutter of Cats
Pod of Manatees
Kettle of Hawks
Lounge of Lizards
Smack of Jellyfish
Shoal of Mackerel
Cluster of Spiders
Ambush of Tigers
Plague of Locusts
Drove of Reindeer
School of Dolphins
Dray of Squirrels
Sounder of Boars
Cluster of Bees
Colony of Seals
Herd of Deer
Troop of Kangaroos
Pod of Porpoises
Herd of Buffalo
Herd of Caribou
Raft of Puffins
Pod of Walruses
Clutter of Kittens
Business of Flies
Covey of Grouse
Crash of Hippopotamuses
Bloat of Hippos
Company of Parrots
Ambush of Tigers
Lounge of Lizards
Bask of Crocodiles
Pack of Wolves
Colony of Penguins
Troop of Lemurs
Congress of Baboons
Troop of Gorillas
Pack of Wolves
Colony of Ants
Interesting animal group names often have historical, cultural, or linguistic origins that make them fascinating. From a "convocation of eagles" to a "muster of peacocks," these names offer a glimpse into the diversity and richness of language and animal behavior.
Baby Animal Group Names
Litter of Pups
Clutter of Kittens
Brood of Chicks
Flock of Ducklings
Gang of Goslings
Pod of Calves
Troop of Infants
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Cluster of Kittens
Litter of Pups
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Clowder of Kittens
Troop of Infants
Pod of Calves
Nest of Hatchlings
Bunch of Joeys
Rafter of Poults
Litter of Pups
Cluster of Kittens
Dray of Kits
Gang of Colts
Litter of Piglets
Litter of Pups
Baby animal group names are often endearing and reflect the innocence and charm of young animals. From a "litter of pups" to a "nest of hatchlings," these names capture the playful and nurturing aspects of the animal world.
Weirdest Animal Group Names
Bloat of Hippopotamuses
Intrigue of Sloths
Murder of Crows
Skulk of Foxes
Cauldron of Bats
Mob of Kangaroos
Crash of Rhinos
Convocation of Eagles
Exaltation of Larks
Knot of Toads
Unkindness of Ravens
Clowder of Cats
Bale of Turtles
Raft of Otters
Leap of Leopards
Shoal of Fish
Lounge of Lizards
Business of Ferrets
Bask of Crocodiles
Tower of Giraffes
Clutter of Kittens
Dray of Squirrels
Prickle of Porcupines
Parliament of Rooks
Drove of Hogs
Muster of Peacocks
Ostentation of Peacocks
Pod of Whales
Troop of Kangaroos
Flock of Sheep
Bevy of Quails
Convocation of Eagles
Murder of Crows
Clowder of Cats
Cast of Falcons
Unkindness of Ravens
Sleuth of Bears
Skulk of Foxes
Team of Horses
Colony of Ants
Flight of Butterflies
Nest of Vipers
Raft of Ducks
Plague of Locusts
Brood of Chickens
Bevy of Quails
Siege of Herons
Drove of Pigs
Lamentation of Swans
Band of Gorillas
Company of Parrots
Bouquet of Pheasants
Litter of Pups
Crash of Rhinos
Mob of Emus
Parade of Elephants
Clan of Hyenas
Cackle of Hyenas
Cluster of Spiders
Rafter of Turkeys
Pandemonium of Parrots
Drove of Pigs
Siege of Herons
Array of Hedgehogs
Pack of Wolves
Nest of Vipers
Knot of Toads
Dray of Squirrels
Cluster of Spiders
Congregation of Alligators
Troop of Baboons
Troop of Lemurs
Army of Frogs
Raft of Ducks
Bale of Turtles
Pack of Dogs
Lounge of Lizards
Shoal of Fish
Paddling of Ducks
String of Ponies
Cauldron of Bats
Sounder of Boars
Leap of Leopards
Clowder of Cats
Scurry of Squirrels
Convocation of Eagles
Flock of Birds
Clowder of Cats
Brood of Chickens
Bevy of Quails
Siege of Herons
Muster of Peacocks
Drove of Pigs
Sounder of Swine
Gaggle of Geese
Unkindness of Ravens
Troop of Monkeys
Colony of Ants
Convocation of Eagles
Sleuth of Bears
Weirdest animal group names often highlight the strange and unexpected aspects of the animal kingdom. From a "bloat of hippopotamuses" to a "cauldron of bats," these names add an element of curiosity and wonder to our understanding of animals.
Cute Animal Group Names
Fluffle of Bunnies
Cuddle of Kittens
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Bundle of Joys
Clutch of Chicks
Puddle of Ducklings
Tumble of Tots
Snuggle of Kittens
Cuddle of Cubs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Puff of Pugs
Snuggle of Puppies
Bundle of Joys
Cuddle of Kittens
Tumble of Tots
Puff of Pugs
Snuggle of Puppies
Fluffle of Bunnies
Cuddle of Cubs
Bundle of Joys
Puddle of Ducklings
Clutch of Chicks
Tumble of Tots
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Cuddle of Kittens
Bundle of Joys
Fluffle of Bunnies
Snuggle of Puppies
Cuddle of Cubs
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Tumble of Tots
Cuddle of Kittens
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Cuddle of Cubs
Puddle of Ducklings
Clutch of Chicks
Tumble of Tots
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Cuddle of Kittens
Bundle of Joys
Fluffle of Bunnies
Snuggle of Puppies
Cuddle of Cubs
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Tumble of Tots
Cuddle of Kittens
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Cuddle of Cubs
Puddle of Ducklings
Clutch of Chicks
Tumble of Tots
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Cuddle of Kittens
Bundle of Joys
Fluffle of Bunnies
Snuggle of Puppies
Cuddle of Cubs
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Tumble of Tots
Cuddle of Kittens
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Cuddle of Cubs
Puddle of Ducklings
Clutch of Chicks
Tumble of Tots
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Cuddle of Kittens
Bundle of Joys
Fluffle of Bunnies
Snuggle of Puppies
Cuddle of Cubs
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Tumble of Tots
Cuddle of Kittens
Snuggle of Puppies
Puff of Pugs
Fluffle of Bunnies
Bundle of Joys
Cute animal group names often evoke feelings of warmth and affection. From a "fluffle of bunnies" to a "snuggle of puppies," these names highlight the endearing and lovable qualities of animals.
How To Choose Unique Animal Group Names
Choosing unique animal group names can be a fun and creative process. Consider the characteristics and behaviors of the animals when selecting a name. For example, a group of animals known for their playful nature might be called a "frolic" or "giggle." Think about the environment they inhabit and any cultural or historical references that might apply. Unique names can make your descriptions more interesting and engaging, adding a personal touch to your storytelling or educational content.
Consider the Animal's Characteristics: Think about the animal's behavior, habitat, and physical traits. For example, a group of fast-moving animals like cheetahs might be called a "dash" or a "fleet."
Use Descriptive Words: Choose words that vividly describe the group. A group of colorful birds could be called a "rainbow," while a group of nocturnal animals might be a "nightfall."
Incorporate Humor or Quirkiness: Adding a touch of humor can make the name more memorable. For example, a group of playful animals could be called a "frolic" or a "giggle."
Think About Cultural References: Consider using names that have cultural or historical significance. A group of wise animals like owls could be called a "council" or a "sage."
Use Alliteration: Alliteration can make the name catchy and fun to say. For instance, a group of lemurs could be called a "leap of lemurs."
Make It Personal: If you're naming a group for a story or project, think about what the name means to you personally. Unique names can add a personal touch to your work.
By considering these tips, you can create unique and interesting names for animal groups that are both descriptive and memorable.
FAQs On Animal Group Names
1. What is the term for a group of crows?
A group of crows is called a murder.
2. What do you call a group of owls?
A group of owls is called a parliament.
3. What is the collective noun for lions?
The collective noun for lions is a pride leap lions.
4. What is a group of wolves called?
A group of wolves is called a pack herd wolves.
5. What do you call a group of giraffes?
A group of giraffes is called a tower.