
Code Collaboration:GitLive - Logo
Extend your IDE with the real-time features a remote development team needs to work together effectively. Discuss, review, share, and write code together, live, inside VS Code and all JetBrains IDEs
Code Collaboration:CodeKeep - Logo
Codekeep lets you store and share bits of code and text with other users. Snippets can be organized into folders/labels for instant reuse
Code Collaboration:CodeStream - Logo
Request a review on any code, regardless of the state of your repo, even on WIP. Ditch the friction of save, branch, commit, push, create PR, email, pull, and so on. Review code with full source-tree
Code Collaboration:Mockadillo - Logo
Easily mock an entire API in minutes, see request history, communicate requirements, simulate errors, decouple teams and speed up development
Code Collaboration:Axolo - Logo
Axolo helps engineering teams to collaborate on pull requests in single-purpose ephemeral channels in Slack.
Code Collaboration:Promyze - Logo
Promyze helps developers define and share their best coding practices to increase code quality and improve their skills.
Code Collaboration:GitDuck - Logo
Video chat tool with pair programming. Code in real-time directly from your IDE with your team.
Code Collaboration:CloudRepo - Logo
A cloud native artifact repository manager offering both public and private repositories. CloudRepo allows high performance software development teams to securely store and share artifacts for use in other builds and development processes.
Code Collaboration:CodePen - Logo
CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. It’s the best place to build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases, and find inspiration.
Code Collaboration:CoScreen - Logo
CoScreen turns your second screen into your team desktop. Any window you drag & drop to your extended screen appears on the extended screens of your team members & vice versa. Everyone can interact with all windows.c
Code Collaboration:CodeOnline - Logo
CodeOnline is a free online IDE with a powerful and secure remote workspace in the Cloud with a web-based Visual Studio Code
Code Collaboration:CodeKickBot - Logo
CodeKickBot provides pull request reminders and notifications that help streamline your pull request workflow and reduce code review turnaround times.
Code Collaboration:JSFiddle - Logo
JSFiddle is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created and collaborational HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets, known as 'fiddles'.
Code Collaboration:Live Share for VS - Logo
Live Share enables your team to quickly collaborate on the same codebase without the need to synchronize code or to configure the same development tools, settings, or environment.
Code Collaboration:TeleType for Atom - Logo
Teletype for Atom lets developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.
Code Collaboration:CodeTogether - Logo
Designed by a team of remote developers to code together as part of their development flow or in the occasional troubleshooting session. CodeTogether is a tool for pair programming.
Code Collaboration:Toast Ninja - Logo
GitHub pull request updates & code review reminders - delivered on a toast Toast combines happy user experience with clean UI, so you know at a glance what's on your plate
Code Collaboration:Jupyter Notebook - Logo
Jupyter is a free, open-source, interactive web tool known as a computational notebook, which researchers can use to combine software code, computational output, explanatory text and multimedia resources in a single document.
Code Collaboration:Notepad++ - Logo
Notepad++ is a free and open source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.
Code Collaboration:Dropbase - Logo
Dropbase lets you upload datasets into production databases and quickly get credentials that can be used to query the database using a SQL editor
Code Collaboration:Spyder - Logo
Free and open-source, Spyder is a scientific environment written in Python, for Python, which has been designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts.
Code Collaboration:Pycharm - Logo
PyCharm is an integrated development environment used in computer programming, specifically for the Python language.
Code Collaboration:Atom - Logo
Atom is a desktop application, a text and source code editor, built with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js integration.
Code Collaboration:Interview Sandbox - Logo
An app that came out of the desire for a place to practice, pencil, and perform without having to have a split-screen, or to spend time drawing on a piece of paper and showing you
Code Collaboration:VSCode - Logo
Visual Studio Code is a completely free integrated development environment made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Extend Git with real‑time collaborative superpowers
Organize, Discover and Share Code Snippets
Fast and easy code reviews you'll love, in your IDE
HTTP API Mocking Service - Mock your backend in minutes
Enable your team to merge pull requests faster
Define and share best coding practices
An open-source collaboration tool for remote teams to do live coding
A cloud native artifact repository manager offering both public and...
A social development environment for designers and developers.
Turn your second screen into your team desktop
Online IDE with a powerful and secure remote workspace
GitHub pull request reminders and notifications for Slack.
An online community for writing, testing and sharing code snippets.
Enables teams to engage in collaborative programming remotely.
Share workspace with team members and collaborate on code.
Simple, free pair programming from anywhere.
Next Gen GitHub and Slack integration
Open source software for interactive computing.
Windows text and source code editor.
Upload CSV Files. Get database credentials in seconds
Scientific Python development environment.
Python IDE for professional developers.
Open source code editor.
Write code, video chat, and draw in realtime with others
Code editing, redefined