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What is Backlsh?

Backlsh is a time tracking and project management software that helps you and your team boost productivity, organize projects, assign and maintain tasks

  • About Backlsh

    About Backlsh

    Backlsh is a time tracking software that centers on improving employee productivity by providing AI-powered reports and analytics that seamlessly analyze and assess employee performance.

    Backlsh is cloud-based and works well with businesses of any size. Pricing is based on the number of active users.

    Businesses and organizations that have people working from home will benefit greatly from Backlsh

  • Pricing


  • When to use Backlsh

    When to use Backlsh

    Individuals and teams who want to increase their productivity, teams who have remote working team members, working from home and want to track their time, and teams working in an office

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • For remote teams to increase their productivity
  • Testimonials
